i went to a comedy show last night - i use the term comedy here loosely, since only about a 1/3 of the performers evoked anything resembling a laugh out of me. yes, its harsh and you can say i'm just jealous because only 3 people think i'm funny and one is a stuffed animal and the other is a sibling with the identical sense of humor. but really, it isnt that hard to make me laugh, especially when drinking. - and similarly to how they will let just about anyone on tv these days irregardless of talent, i discovered that the same holds true for the comedy circuit. i should have guessed what i was in for when i was ushered into a room the size of my living room for the show.
in any event, a few of the comics were entertaining and i did come away respecting everyone involved in the show for loving their craft so much that they will eagerly perform for a mere 15 people, all of whom are somehow connected to them. so it was a fun night that wound up turning into an AWESOME night during my cab ride home. and no, i was not in the "cash cab", a show i just learned about last night. why was i not aware that this program existed? cabs and game shows - two of my favorite things in one.
yes, i'm really into cabs - i don't know why. i guess its because in general i really, really, like car rides (i'm so easy to please. that doesnt say much for the aforementioned comedians, now does it?) and since i'm no longer chauffeured around as much as i was as a child, i take whatever i can get these days. anyhow, the regular crown victoria cabs are alright, but what really delights me are the larger cabs - mini-vans, SUVs, etc. those elusive hulking beauties, standing out in the sea of yellow. if i see one of those newer cabs coming my way i'm immediately on the curb, arm in the air.
but last night surpassed any cab experience i've had before - actually i should say solo cab experience, since when i find myself in a group setting during a cab ride home, especially after 2:30am, it usually involves popping through the drive-thru of McDonald's, which is always a ridiculous time. - in terms of car aesthetics.
while standing on the corner waiting for an open cab, i spied an SUV one coming my way - score! the cab pulled over, and when i opened the door to get inside i was pleasantly surprised to see that the driver was ensconced in a plastic popemobile*, as instead of the usual glass partition between the front and back seats, his was only around the driver's seat. perhaps these cabs are quite common - they should be, as the front passenger seat opens into the back, which is thoughtful, since no one likes to be the sucker stuck in the front while your friends are chatting in the back behind the partition, especially when the cabbie doesnt even let you play with the radio as consolation for being stuck in the front with him - but this is the first one i've been in. and it was marvelous - i was completely entranced by watching my cabbie move around inside his little box, like a hamster with a steering wheel in its cage.
*i'm not sure if other people are as into the popemobile as loveandcyanide is - as we were dragged by our mother to giants stadium in 1995 to see the pope (yes, i left school early to see the pope. thank goodness i went to a technical high school so this didnt make me any more of a loser than i already was.), in torrential rain, the only highlight that we got out of it was seeing his little plastic vehicle amble around the stadium. so we're quite partial to that little cart - so if you have no idea what i'm talking about, next time i'm in one of these cabs (hopefully, like, tomorrow) i'll take pictures.