Wednesday, March 26, 2008

raining laughing cats and dogs.

i was grumpius maximus* for most of today...

but then i got into a hilarious email exchange with hillary, prompted by this.

and then i saw the headline of this article.

*not actually latin.


inthemiddle said...

...and we can branch out to other animal cafes! for puppies ("puppy place")! rodents("hamster hut")! fish ("guppy cupz")!

P H said...

i'm sorry, but this has already been done. my two dogs back in Ohio are currently in a kennel for about a week. once a day, for extra, they can be engaged in "Yappy Hour" with the other dogs.

Tim said...

I want a kitteh cafe!

Unknown said...

itm - 'bison beanery'! 'jaguar java jamboree'! starfishbucks! the franchise abilities are endless...

ph - really? "yappy hour"? i'm insanely jealous of your dogs.

and dogs may have been done before, but i bet the poor pet iguanas around the world don't have anywhere to go...

tim - don't worry, we will make a london outpost for you!

inthemiddle said...

OMG! starfishbucks takes the 'nip!

Chuckles said...

Tarantula kareoke bar?

inthemiddle said...'s LOL-ing cats and blogs!

missyandchrissy said...

chuckles - does your tarantula karaoke?!

itm - HA, that is so going to be the name of my website in 30 years when i'm an old cat lady.

and alright readers, i can't hold out any longer, barb has forced me into putting a word verification thingie on here.