Thursday, March 22, 2007

little discoveries.

from last night. obviously at the time these were wayyy more earth-shattering.

i'll start with the disturbing one first.

a lot of people i know act exactly like dane cook. this may sound like a pathetic revelation, but the thing is i've avoided dane cook for awhile now. i've honestly never watched the guy's routine, barely even heard his voice or knew what he looked like. for some reason, from the second i was made privy to his existence, just hearing his name, i knew i'd dislike him. sure, friends and acquaintances have told me otherwise, but i know better (like when people tell me i'd like certain cheeses, and i'm sorry but i just don't).

so i happened to turn on his little show when i got home last night, and to no surprise at all i thought he was a moron. what did surprise me was that i recognized in his movements and intonations about eight people i know. exact imitations - they literally must have modeled their being on this man (in the hopes of being funnier?). which means technically i've been watching dane cook's act daily for awhile now. this fact bothers me.

now the amazing one.

imagine leaving a bar and thinking you might need to hit up an atm to be able to take a cab home. (because like a mogwai, who knows what i'll turn into if i take the subway past 10pm?) as you cross the street you spy an atm -- attached to a nathan's!!

remember the scene from Ice Age II where the cute-yet-stupid squirrel temporarily dies and finds himself in heaven with a gigantic beautiful golden acorn? yep, this felt exactly like that.


Chuckles said...

What is a nathan's?

Dane Cook was fine in Waiting. I have seen him on Tough Crowd with Colin Quinn and everyone was making fun of him. Then his album sold more copies than any other comedy album in history and people started hating him. I saw Zack Galifiniakis (or whatevs) and he ripped on Dane Cook a couple times. I saw a few minutes of Dane's special on Comedy Central before any of this started and I thought he was passable but I am not about to go see him live or anything.

P H said...

Zack G is way better than Dane. And Chuckles, really, Nathan's? Ever heard of the hot dog eating contest at Coney Island sponsored by them?

missyandchrissy said...

chuckles, come on?! get thee to one!

and you know, for years i've been confusing zach g with some other comedian. some balder guy...

missyandchrissy said...
