Wednesday, April 04, 2007

smells like a comeback.

first off, i'll apologize for being a slacker...its been a rough two weeks and as you can see that there is a new (old) post below that was written awhile back, that means i wasn't even able to hit the publish button let alone write anything new. considering loveandcyanide has dwindled from a trio to a solo project, its gotten a little tougher to keep up the good work. but i'm persevering. if anyone ever wanted to know the difference between missy, chrissy and bear, its that two of the three not only abandoned this little project but don't even read the site anymore, whereas the last third is holding up the fort all by herself. yes, in these ritalin-addled times, one of us still foolishly believes in loyalty.

anyhow, we're back in business. in the past few weeks a lot of good stuff has happened, a few bad things have happened, and of course a few crazy things have happened. there was a nutty religious zealot cab driver, a 5-day bacon binge (um, hello heaven), a possible OD on Sparks malt beverages, an exotic familial discovery, a mysterious raise, a viewing of the dumbest television program ever made, and a rash of new nicknames for missy and i inspired by the bachelor (if you shouted "star spangled ass muffin" into our apartment, i guarantee one of us would answer you).

but instead of talking about those things, i'm making my comeback with a tale of a rather mundane experience i had leaving my office today. you know when you catch the whiff of something and you automatically can place the scent? well, when stepping into the elevator i caught the unmistakable whiff of plumeria.

remember the body shop's plumeria? that brilliant fuchsia colored potion that at least 3/4 of your friends were sporting in high school? (it was my personal fave). well, there it was in my elevator. i actually had no idea they even still made it, but the second it hit my nose, i knew what it was. and i couldn't help but smile, since it reminded me of the most humorous perfume-related experience i've ever had:

freshman year of college, one of my close guy friends was hanging out in my room, and discovered the spray bottle of plumeria that either my roommate or i had on our shelf. after sniffing it, he went on a tirade about an ex who wore the scent and how he couldn't stand it. so enraged by the memory of this girl, he commented that i could never, ever wear it again. apparently not satisfied by my nod of appeasement, he then wound up and tossed the bottle out the window and onto the lawn behind our dorm.

i never wore plumeria again. but to this day i'll still chuckle when i smell it.


P H said...

I still read this blog, but with this new revelation of how many people are actually involved in it, i'll have to change how it's linked on MY blog.

oh, blogs.

missyandchrissy said...

complicated little buggers, aren't they?

Chuckles said...

Plumeria reminds me of this store that I worked in for a while. They sold, jewelry, furniture and candles. They loved to have scents wafting through thte air to hide all the funk from them having too much junk.

The candles would get in scent fights. Some would take over a local area and hold it permanently hostage to their citrus demands while other would rapidly lose strength and wallow in a efervescent mire of ever-mixing olfactory distractions: plumeria would struggle with vanilla, earl grey was locked in a death match with merlot, afternoon delight weakly slapped morning mist, fresh picked cotton chewed on strawberries and cream. It was a riotious wrestle and it was extremely disorienting to the customers and staff.

Chuckles said...

BTW, Bacon is a vegetable.

missyandchrissy said...

love the imagery of the scent are lucky your sinuses made it through the battle intact! and how exactly is bacon a vegetable?

Chuckles said...

It just is. Googler tells me so.