i totally didn't give mallomars the respect they deserved as a child. i took them for granted since there was almost always a box of them residing in our cabinets. by about age 10 i grew tired of seeing that garish yellow box, got disgruntled with the fact they were dark chocolate coated, and started boycotting them, all the while wishing my mother would go buy some new exciting cookie, like those chips ahoy with the m&m's in them.
so when we recently read a fascinating article about mallomars in New York Magazine (which actually sounded a lot like the wikipedia entry for them. are there any true journalists left out there?), about how rare and special they are, i felt a tad bit guilty about my years of boycotting the 'mar and have since given them another chance. it was a wise decision.
for more information on this v. special cookie - so special, in fact, that they aren't covered in chocolate they're enrobed in chocolate.
Ooo... They sound good... I think the nearest British equivalent is teacakes. Which sounds rather twee, but they're quite awesome.
teacakes sound just as good...you might have to ship some over here along with those mango smoothies!
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