Wednesday, January 07, 2009

my esophagus would never be able to handle this.

so i was at the gym last night - and this afternoon too. twice in 24 hours! i haven't done that since 1999 - and happened to catch a commercial for these. the visuals were so silly that i actually thought it was a joke at first, but no. it's not.

while i can completely see a benefit or two of a contraption like this, i also find it wildly disconcerting -- does this mean that corsets will be coming back? didn't my female ancestors spend hundreds of years breaking free of restraining upper-body garments, only for us to bring them back again? sigh.


Tim said...

I was sent an email the other day from a clothes website telling me that they were selling the latest revolution in man pants (that's undies, not trousers!): they lift the butt and make it more prominent.

Like J-Lo.


missyandchrissy said...

what guy doesn't want a butt like j-lo's??

and i wonder if they are made by the same maker of those crazy 'mantyhose'.

Tim said...

Mantyhouse?! Good grief! Although just the other day I was chatting to a colleague about long-johns. He wanted some with a butt flap.

missyandchrissy said...

i think butt-flap long johns are WAY cooler than what i imagine mantyhose to be like.