Thursday, January 29, 2009


we're adding in a new little feature - not the side project i mentioned earlier in the week, that's another addition, whoa-ho! look at us - a daily visual documenting my unemployment activities. people constantly ask me what i do all day/week, and i constantly feel lame rattling off my to-do/have-done list, and so now i can direct them here to see a little snippet of my day. i have no idea why this project didn't occur to me until earlier today, and i so wish i had been doing this from day 1 - although i suppose i had other things on my mind on day 1 other than photojournalism - but there's no time like the present, so we're starting on day 54*. like the studio! although slightly less glittery and fabulous.

have no fear, we'll still continue with our normal postings, just pepper a daily snapshot in as well. and away we go.

*we only count weekdays. isn't everyone technically out of work on the weekends?

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