Tuesday, October 07, 2008

there goes bear's social life..

it's no secret the love&cyanide ladies love gmail, between us we've got 5 gmail addresses, and that's not counting bear's (you can reach him at bear4mayor@gmail.com). so, color me surprised to not be on board with their newest feature, mail goggles, an application that polices your sobriety.

really? i have to do math equations before i can send a 3am friday night email? i can see how this may help the recently broken hearted and the chronic emotional messes, but for those of us with a consistently colder nature, how will we ever show affection?

if it weren't for a little nightcap, sissy and i might never speak. and forget about bear's midnight electronic odes to his paramours..


Anonymous said...

Holy Crap! I'm ok with most of them, but those equations with 9s really throw me and I'm not even drunk now (I wish). Seriously, what's so wrong with drunk emailing at 3am on the weekend vs. a "bored at work" induced email at 3pm.

missyandchrissy said...

excellent point! i'm pretty sure my drunk emails are more exciting than my bored-at-work ones.

Tim said...

That's genius!

Also good for stopping you from sending drunken emails: vomit on the screen.

missyandchrissy said...

tim - now that's genius! (although messy)