Wednesday, October 01, 2008

journey into the realm of the rabid disney vacationers.

at the end of the month missy and i are taking a vacation to our aunt's timeshare down in Florida, and after spending most of that week lounging idly on the beach we decided we will end it with a drive across the state to visit Disney World, as we've only been once before - i was 9, missy was 5 and capitalizing on the fact that she could still *almost* fit in a stroller and therefore should be pushed around the entire magic kingdom, legs flailing out of her little carriage while the rest of us took turns pushing her around in the 100 degree august heat. so it was practically 20 years ago, and clearly things are totally different (although i imagine i will still whine about the effects of the Floridian humidity on my bangs and take dorky photos with Tigger, and missy will try to cajole me into pushing her around the parks) and being we're only going to be two hours from the magical place we might as well make a stop there. two days at the parks, in-and-out, see it from an adult perspective. we thought it would be that simple.

in speaking to others who've visited there at some point in the past 1/5 of the century, we're starting to see that it isn't. it has been suggested that i should make all my dinner reservations now, a month in advance. a disney-vacation-loving coworker frantically informed me yesterday that i might already be too late to even make such reservations. REALLY? we are going to go hungry in the happiest place on earth because we didn't pick our dining destination more than 30 days in advance?

turning to the vacation message boards for further info has only been more alarming - there's the woman who was panicking about getting her restaurant of choice when it was only 180 days before her trip. there are the people who list, next to their avatar, every year they've gone to disney and every disney hotel they've stayed at each time and every disney restaurant they've eaten in each time (and there are an awful lot of those people). there are the people who know the exact minute you need to sit down to eat to ensure you'll be done in time for the evening fireworks. there are the ticket options, and the park options, and the park-hoppers, and the meal plans, and the shuttle bus options, and the resort options, and the extra magic hours schedule, and the vacation planning DVDs. who wants to watch a video to instruct oneself how to go away on vacation?!

we are experienced travellers, yet a trip to Orlando is completely boggling our minds.


Tim said...

Good grief! Is there a video about which video to watch in anticipation of visiting the home of the mouse?!

missyandchrissy said...

sadly, there probably is! if i come across it, i'll order a copy and post it here so we can all be entertained/horrified.

P H said...

such frantic warnings from the Disney-loving co-worker. Her love for this place seems boundless.

soulspeak23 said...

Adult Disney obsessers kinda freak me out a little. Something just has to be wrong with those people. I shall pray for you that you don't turn into one, though I've heard thier allure is hard to resist!

missyandchrissy said...

ph - oh it is. i don't think ol' walt himself even spoke as passionately about the park.

ss23 - yes, they are scaring us as well, although we're going to be there on halloween so i suppose it is fitting. i picture us running through the park from mouse-ear wearing zombies. so we thank you for your prayers, and hope that they keep us safe from the disney freaks!