Tuesday, August 12, 2008

slight progress.

i can't really explain why we've been such slackers recently. although that new format (well, now partial new format - we realize, surprisingly, you kind of like us better when we ramble) energized us for a brief 48-hour span (no surprises there though), we quickly lost our steam. we do apologize - i'm blaming a lot of things on late-summer laziness lately, so add this to the list. i wonder how many years one has to be out of school before they stop feeling the summer vacation/fall motivation cycle?

anyways, for you, our five wonderful loyal readers who stick by even when we slack, we are going to try to be more consistent again. we promise.


so our across-the-hall neighbors, the only folks we share a floor with, had a baby last week. missy and i are shocked and appalled. why didn't they inform us of this life-changing event?! we had to learn of this new development via a bunch of pink balloons on their door. there should be some sort of law that a couple needs to inform their neighbors when they are about to completely ruin the Melrose Place-ish young-professional vibe of their building.

and how are we going to continue to throw our world-class parties with this easily disturbed little being lurking around? we're going to have to send our guests home at 7pm. and now forget about my photo booth/confessional-in-the-hall dreams! (although this does explain why a couple with a 2-bedroom needed to take over the hall closet.) sigh.

(i am well aware, as i rant about my neighbors who are probably my age procreating, that i completely immaturing. i am starting to think i peaked around 15, and its all just going downhill from there. i suppose that's what i get for trying so hard as a child to act like a grownup).


i don't know why, but i hate brushing my teeth. i think its because i bore easily and teeth-brushing can become the most tedious task on earth once it passes the 40 second mark. i used to date a guy who would spend ages in the bathroom on his teeth - and although give the way things turned out, he was probably just in there avoiding me - i really do wish i had his commitment to dental hygiene. i'm certain my dentist does too, as he yells at me about flossing more often every time i'm there. i know, i tell him, i know i'm risking ruining my gums, but that extra two minutes in the bathroom fidgeting around with that dental twine is torture.

well, little did i know that i've been doing it ALL WRONG this entire time! i've been purchasing Reach floss all these years, meanwhile Colgate Glide floss was slipping by me. i tried it last night and seriously, it was like flossing with silk. or clouds. or the strands of hair from a goddess. something magical like that.


and speaking of magical moments, this morning as i waited at the corner to cross the street to my office i noticed that our usual traffic cop wasn't there. instead he was replaced by three other traffic cops, standing together in a row, waving the cars along. i couldn't help but be totally entertained by their synchronicity, neon safety vests bobbing together in pedestrian-friendly unison.


Anonymous said...

Hmmm, synchronized traffic copping (yes made up word!)...I'm thinking that should be a new Olympic sport. Although the Chinese would probably beat us in that too.


Tim said...

I hate brushing my teeth too. It's a complete necessary evil. I'm always wondering what I could do to make better use of the two minutes I'm wasting on my teeth.

missyandchrissy said...

M-y - yay, welcome!

and i'm sure they would beat us - with the billions of people crossing the street over there, i bet the chinese traffic cops must have some pretty intense gesticulations.

tim - THANK YOU! most people disagree with me on this one. i'm happy there's at least one other unhappy brusher out there with me.

soulspeak23 said...

forget flossing with actual strings of the stuff. get yourself some of these bad boys and you'll be happy as a clam. A clam with really clean teeth.

missyandchrissy said...

usually those little floss picks scare me, but if you say they will make me happy as a clean-toothed clam, i think i have to give them a shot!