Saturday, June 28, 2008

no poetry, just public service.

actually, its not friday anymore so technically we missed ipod poetry day anyways. shocker.

so we just wanted to make a quick announcement that we'll be taking a little vacation for the next week. missy, chrissy, and bear, along with some of their nearest + dearest, are off for some fun-in-the-sun beachtastic adventures down the shore. the last time the 3 of us were together on this island, one of us got lobster guts all over our dress at a local fishery, and the dress stunk so fishiously still after repeated washings that we had to wind up throwing the outfit away.

we intend to be more cautious when eating seafood this time around.


Tim said...

Have a great, and less fishy, time!

missyandchrissy said...

thanks tim - we did!