Thursday, June 26, 2008

a puppetacular wednesday evening.

As you might have gathered by now, loveandcyanide loves anything that has to do with the sea. and puppets. and meat products (although that doesn’t really fit in here – just wanted to remind).

So when we heard about Jollyship the Whiz Bang, a “pirate puppet rock odyssey”, we were beyond excited. missy and i and two of our puppet-lovin’ friends finally got to see the show last night, and it totally lived up to the hype. They extended their run through mid-July, so if you like any or all of the following we highly suggest you run out and see it (and for our more exotically located readers, when it hopefully hits a city near you!) – rock music, grog, rain slickers, crabs, sea shanties, and/or ukuleles.

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