Thursday, May 29, 2008

breakfast anytime.

hey kiddies.
so we're back from chicago with a slight tan, an ear infection, a new appreciation for lakes, and photographical evidence proving that yet again, all of the best snacks are to be found in other parts of the nation:

wtf. i'm pretty sure nyc is sorely missing out on this, although i can't say for certain as i already had a bag of fritos in each hand and had a specific request for the pepperoni pizza variety, and it was 3am, and i couldnt handle carrying a fourth bag up to the counter without dropping everything all over the floor. the cashier was already suspicious of me snapping photos in the chip aisle.


soulspeak23 said...

Lord almighty!! Can we have them imported?!?!

missyandchrissy said...

i want to try. maybe i'll write a letter to the combo people - although this variety is so rare and special that it isn't even listed on their website!

Tim said...

Oh god grief - that sounds hideous!

Tim said...

Sorry, that should be 'good grief.' Clumsy fingers…

missyandchrissy said...

by 'hideous' you mean 'delicious' right?