Tuesday, February 12, 2008

a snowy, fruity, fantastic voyage.

4 things i am loving today:

  1. SNOW! - i won't be excited when i walk outside in it in my non-snow-appropriate shoes, but it has looked really pretty coming down outside my window all day long. it finally feels like winter.
  2. Yogi Tea, "Breathe Deep" variety - yes, i'm the dork who buys tea that claims it can help you breathe better. but it really does. and it also leaves a nice tingly feeling in your mouth.
  3. Mutant Grapes - well, not really. but this bunch i'm snacking on are the largest green grapes i've ever seen. if disguised in a purplish wrap, they would totally pass for figs.
  4. Coolio's new online cooking show - needs no explanation.


inthemiddle said...

smelling a line of designer "get your a** calm, baby" teas in ghetto witchdoctor superstar coolio's future.

missyandchrissy said...

if you invent them, i will be the first to drink 'em!