Thursday, January 17, 2008

let the games begin.

ok, wow. i had no idea you guys were so interested in the c-list celebs! although i guess that explains how VH1 (clue #1) stays in business.


one of my self-admitted flaws is that i leave horrible voicemails. i ramble aimlessly (clue #2; hint: different spelling), pause, say ummm a lot, throw in unnecessary information, etc. i have been aware of this for years, but don't know how to stop the habit. i hear the beep of an answering machine, and my little succinct rehearsed speech goes out the window and i'm off to the races, prattling on and on. i was just officially made aware of how long i can ramble - whilst leaving a voicemail on my friend's work line, i actually got cut-off by an automated voice telling me i only had 15 seconds left. i didn't know such time limits on work phone systems existed.


and so the year of the planner continues. i just received a mini-pocket one along with my thai food delivery. will it ever end? when i reach eight i will have to say "this is enough!!" (clue #3) how in charge (clue #4) of my schedule can i possibly be?

but a quick update to the general planner situation - i have actually continued to use the little one that remains in my bag. i diligently added in two dentist appointments the other day, even telling the receptionist to save her little save-the-date cards, as i had noted the dates down already (we are all aware that i am going to majorly regret doing this when july rolls around, and my planner is long forgotten and my six-month checkup comes around). the others remain in my desk. a coworker suggested that i use one of them as she is - for a food diary - and i am considering it as i'd like to get back on the diet-and-exercise wagon. however, the idea of seeing how frequently foods such as bacon and gingerbread cookies will turn up gives me the willies!! (clue #5)


ok, kiddies. i meant to spread the hints through the next few posts, but i got a little carried away. (just like leaving a voicemail. hah.) if you don't know it by now, either you need to bone up on your pop culture, or i should stop daydreaming about working for the Guess Who? board game department of Milton Bradley.


soulspeak23 said...

After extensive research, i'm going to go with the author of "Garce is Enough" so as not to spoil it for other readers.
Well done!

soulspeak23 said...
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soulspeak23 said...

dammit, i got too excited and typed too fast. GRACE is enough. not garce.

missyandchrissy said...

we have a winner! nice job, ss23.

i should've known the fellow techie would win...we can hook up circuits, we can certainly ace a game of 20 Questions!

missyandchrissy said...

and funny - i thought you purposely spelled grace wrong, to make the title of the book unsearchable on this blog, and i thought that was so clever of you.

Tim said...

I was hoping it was going to be Gary Coleman from Diff'rent Strokes…

missyandchrissy said...

sorry to disappoint tim! gary would've been way cooler to have worked with.

inthemiddle said...

dratz. i'm dissapointed i missed all the fun. oh and also, and maybe it's the hour, but...whooizit? and whooiz garce? garce under fire? so here goes my guess...beyond all reason or evidence or reason i'm gonna go with bret butler.

missyandchrissy said...

i actually forgot that brett butler ever even existed...

somebody give her a comeback show!