Monday, November 26, 2007

the search is over.

at some point last spring my alarm clock broke. he was just your basic clock radio - am/fm, by sony, a matte silver cube - that i believe i had since college. and while i usually tire of objects i look at daily (bedspreads, coats, toothbrush holders) after about 2 years, for some reason i never had the urge to replace this one. he was serviceable, and just sat on my nightstand, blending in nicely in four different bedrooms and waking me every morning. and so the years passed and i took for granted that i had, i suppose, the perfect alarm clock.

fast forward to earlier today - about 8 months after my old clock broke - and there i was, still hunting for an alarm clock. yes, i know...what is my problem? everyone i have complained to about this - most especially the lucky few who've had the added privilege of waking up to the ms. pac-man theme song blaring from my cell phone - have asked me the same question. and frankly, i don't know. i went from having the same clock for about 7 years as i couldn't care less about it, to needing the absolute most perfect alarm clock in the universe, one that was just born to fit in with the decor of my bedroom. and there were just so many options - do i want to wake up to my ipod? the radio? a buzzer? do i go with aesthetics or function? should it be whimsical or minimalist? do i want it to "moo" me awake? project numbers on my ceiling? tell me the weather? videotape me?** do i want my alarm clock to roll around the room, or fly through the air? and on and on and on.

it's been a most arduous search. which is why i am positively giddy that about an hour ago, i stumbled upon exactly what i think i was looking for. the stars must have all been in alignment today as it mixes style and function all in one adorable limited-edition package; it's a piece of art as much as it is a device to wake me in the morning. eureka!

i now must sit in ridiculous anticipation until it arrives. as my dear little clock is coming via canadian post, i have no idea how long this will take. i'm assuming the canadian mail system is up to snuff, but hearing the phrase "canadian post" i can't help but think it's going to show up by horse sometime in '08.

**discovering that there are "surveillance" alarm clocks out there - and not just one kind. many. - has scared the hell out of me.


Chuckles said...

There is a great joke about the exchange available for your canadian post comment. Something like: "Given the exchange rate, it should take only 85% of the time the USPS would take."

Or maybe not.

P H said...

i read somewhere that kitchen appliances and bedroom devices like alarm clocks are being designed more intricately because they really only serve a purpose maybe 1% of the day, and the rest of the time they're on display. So why not make them visually appealing?

missyandchrissy said...

almost chuckles, almost...

thank you, PH..i will be using this as evidence when i am questioned as to why i spent $100 on an alarm clock.