Tuesday, October 16, 2007

making important discoveries for the tobacco industry.

if you eat a peanut butter cookie shortly after having a Halls cough drop ('ice blue' mint, i believe) it tastes like you've just smoked a cigarette.

which is both fascinating and a bit of a letdown, since generally i have a drink in hand when experiencing such a taste.


soulspeak23 said...

hmmm....i'll have to try this as a replacement for actual smoking, which i've unfortnately gone back to.
i'll let you know how it goes.

Tim said...

Smoking has been banned in all bars, restaurants, and clubs over here, so I look forward to seeing this unusual mix take over!

Chuckles said...

Smoking was banned in DC establishments on January 2nd, 2007. Thank the lordamighty!

missyandchrissy said...

smoking has been banned here for what seems like forever...

ss23 - i think its a little more cumbersome than actually smoking, but anything for your lungs!