Friday, July 13, 2007

movin' on up.

it's been a crazy/awesome week for us, mainly because loveandcyanide has found new headquarters! after a grueling hunt for a new apartment - more on the search and the plethora of shady real estate agents that exist in astoria to come - we found a new place. a new and improved place that completely fulfilled our #1 new apartment request, which was to move closer to the train.

never ones to settle for half-asseyness, we will now be living in spitting distance from the train. seriously. Bear can sit on our balcony and heckle commuters as they pass. if you took a running leap out of our windows you would actually land on train tracks. we may have taken our wish to the extreme.

but while we do realize we might need to invest in earplugs and probably wear more than underwear when prancing about the apartment near the windows, we're still excited as hell.


Tim said...

Whoa! Your new apartment sounds cool! Do we get to see pics?

Chuckles said...

Are you asking for pics of them prancing around the apartment, tim? Cuz, um, err, well nevermind!

So, yeah, earplugs are not that bad to sleep with, once you get used to them. I have also learned to sleep through the noise of the planes flying overhead when I have the windows open.

missyandchrissy said...

hah, funny boys!

we'll get some pics up after we move in at the end of the month. something tells me the only one of us prancing about in them will be Bear...

Tim said...

Well, I actually just meant of the apartment, but, prancin' bear would be cool!