Monday, July 09, 2007

hot. hot. hot.

we're back, and in high spirits over here at loveandcyanide. having spent the past 8 days in basically perfect summer weather doing nothing more than sunning on the beach and having fun with friends, how can we not be?

the massive fly is also gone from my office.

so being on vacation high myself, i've taken notice of those who are vacationing in my hot humid disgusting fair city today. they all look miserable -- i didn't see one happy vacation face roasting atop the big red bus. and as i passed one guy i heard him sorrowfully comment to his companion "it stinks like urine here".

my question is, what would possess someone to come to new york in the middle of the summer? i'm curious to see if guidebooks suggest against it and mobs of people just don't heed the suggestion, or if maybe the guidebook industry is in a conspiracy against summer tourists and therefore encourage them to come here when its gross.


Chuckles said...

I have been to New York for two weekends. One was a big snow and one was the weekend after Katrina and it was blazing hot. Not exactly the best times to visit in terms of weather.

missyandchrissy said...

definitely not, i'm sorry you only made it here on such poor weather weekends. i would tell visitors to come in mid-late october, or to just not bother...they can see the empire state building in movies anyways.

Chuckles said...

The other thing is that guy was only able to notice that it smelled like urine in one area? The entire subway and most streets smelled like piss when I was there in September 2005.

missyandchrissy said...

i was kind of thinking that when he said "it smells like urine here" the 'here' meant the entire city.

unless he had a stuffy nose or something.

Tim said...

Glad you had a lovely time - and if you're done with the summer weather could you send it over here? Our summer's rubbish at the moment.

missyandchrissy said...

thanks tim! we'll do our nice weather dance for the UK...