so maybe i was asking too much last night when i wanted the reese's peanut butter cup cupcake to taste exactly like a reese's.
but this afternoon i went into my favorite weekday deli with few expectations. i was in the mood for peanut butter on a bagel, nothing more. i've gotten it there numerous times before and the deli guy has always done an excellent job with this simplistic-yet-satisfying lunch.
i get back to my office and bite into my bagel and feel something crunch. oh no, i think. don't tell me...oh please let that have been a burned part of the bagel. or someone's tooth. i open the bagel....
and there was crunchy peanut butter spread all about. bleh! i HATE crunchy/chunky peanut butter.
mr. peanut, why has thou forsaken me?
Friday, December 08, 2006
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I think I will have to file for blog divorce or something. How can you not like crunchy peanut butter? That is tantamount to prefering your sandwich fall face down on the floor.
This reminds me of one of my favorite authors David Foster Wallace who wrote an essay on David Lynch (Twin Peaks) explaining what "Lynchian" meant:
"A regular domestic murder is not Lynchian. But if the police come to the scene and see the man standing over the body and ... the cops have this conversation about the fact that the man killed the woman because she persistently refused to buy Jiff peanut butter rather than Skippy, and how very, very important that is, and if the cops found themselves somehow agreeing that there were major differences between the brands and that a wife who didn't recognize those differences was negligent in her wifely duties, that would be Lynchian -- this weird confluence of very dark, surreal, violent stuff and absolute, almost Norman Rockwell, banal, American stuff."
Someday maybe peanut butter won't remind me of murder.
chuckles - missy and bear like crunchy pb! that's 2/3 of Meatloaf says there are no grounds for blog-vorcing us.
ph - great passage. and i'm totally with the victim on this one...skippy over jif all the way!
We should all use so many Meatloaf lyrics to our advantage.
Meatloaf was in Bloodrayne, the humber 1 worst movie until the next Uwe Boll movie, and is thus more than acceptable as a reason to avoid blogvorcing you three.
Still, Skippy is the devil's handymaiden.
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