Wednesday, September 20, 2006

in need of noise-cancelling headphones.

so despite the rampant joy that talk like a pirate day inflicted on my life (and yours too, i hope), this week has been rather unlucky for us here in loveandcyanide land. missy almost had a 2-day job interview that included an all-expense paid trip to that fabulous land of glamour, L.A...almost. as per the usual, glitz and glory somehow morphed into chaos and the sudden dropping of a client from a recruiting service. we're still trying to comprehend it all.

i managed to start my new job this week without nearly as much turmoil - however, as luck would have it i found myself in the cube next to panic at the disco's biggest fan.
now, from a previous arson-friendly posting you should know how we feel about this band, so its clear that i would rather have hannibal lecter as my cube-mate. and i can now assure our dear readers who had previously inquired about patd's full album that i indeed hate it, as i've listened to it the full way through a good four or five times by now. it finally hit me this afternoon that the lead singer sounds like he is whining for you to get out of the bathroom before he wets his pants. you know that voice? (sure i haven't heard it since the 3rd grade either, but some things just stick with you). i've actually gotten to the point where i am no longer hearing the song lyrics, just "pleaassseee i neeeedd to goooo nowwww" in the whingiest voice imaginable over and over and over again to the beat. its just that bad.

you think i'm exaggerating my situation with the panicky insanity, here is a daily tally of the times i've been subjected to that horrible popular song of theirs (this is not counting the other songs - just the one that makes my ears shrivel in distaste and evokes visions of tossing the fax machine at this girl's head computer):

monday: 2
tuesday: 3
wednesday: 5

i am somewhat afraid of what friday will bring.

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