Friday, August 11, 2006

and we thought we had wild drunken tales...

abduction has been on the minds of loveandcyanide lately (more to come on that one), so my eyes immediately fell onto this headline this morning. yes, its 2-day old know we're a tad slow around here.

Welshman punished for drunken goat abduction

drunken goat abduction. that sounds like the funnest idea ever and i'm totally sober. this dude carl is a total genius when it comes to alcohol induced pranks. damn city living - hindering my ability to get wasted and steal livestock for joyrides...anyways, had carl only been 1 gallon of cider deep, i'm sure this story wouldn't have made the papers and would have just remained a funny yarn told for generations amongst the youth of Wales. and we all would have missed out. but as the gluttonous lad drank a gallon and a half of cider that fateful evening, although he somehow managed to wrangle Snowy the goat into his vehicle, poor carl wound up crashing the car into a tractor (+1 for city living) and was soon apprehended by authorities.

unfortunately, this otherwise amazing tale ends on a tragic note, as poor Snowy passed away two days after the incident. apparently goats do not have as high a tolerance for drunken debauchery as the rest of us do. R.I.P Snowy - we hardly knew ye, kid.

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