Thursday, July 06, 2006

ride, ride, ride. hitchin' a ride.

i'm sure this picture has been everywhere already, but loveandcyanide has been off being disasters down the shore for the past few days and completely out of the loop. thank goodness for the national geographic newsletter (yea, we subscribe.) or i'd have missed out on this epitome of adorableness. do we think the frog minded the mouse hopping a ride? i seriously hope they become best friends like Owen and Mzee (the hippo and tortoise. i have no idea who the governor of Virginia is, yet i can name animals from an almost two-year-old news story.)...not that i would wish natural disasters on any other nations, but its kind of nice when an interspecies friendship develops out of it.


Chuckles said...

There are some varieties of frog that eat mouse sized mammals. This one was just packing a lunch.

missyandchrissy said...

chuckles! don't rain on our interspecies love parade.

Chuckles said...

I prefer interspecies hate parades.