Wednesday, February 04, 2009

to dye for.

missy and i* decided to dye each other's hair last night - considering we're both using dark colors and have a mostly white bathroom, this could have been a recipe for disaster. but we managed to make it through the evening relatively unscathed, although we did ruin three towels and two t-shirts, and i wouldn't be surprised if our downstairs neighbor's ceiling started leaking from the amount of water that landed outside the tub during the rinsing portion of the evening.

the fact that her hair is all the same color, i don't have dye stains all over my neck, and the worst name one of us called the other was "motherf---ing goldilocks"** proves that we've matured vastly since the last time we attempted simultaneous dying, after which we were eternally banned from ever sticking our dye-covered heads in our parent's kitchen sink.

*bear also got in on the action. he put up pics over at bearsociety.

**in my defense, the water she was dumping over my head really was too hot or too cold.


Tim said...

"motherf---ing goldilocks"

That. Is. Genius!

I'm so going to try to slip that into everyday conversation today!!

soulspeak23 said...

I nearly just spit out my coffee with that goldilocks line!
And did you seriously dye Bear or is that photoshopped? My eyes are very fuzzy today.

missyandchrissy said...

tim - thanks! we hope you used the phrase at least 4 times already today...

ss23 - have no fear, we photoshopped it! there was much hesitation about making him a grizzly for good. he's still white (well, grayish)...