Tuesday, February 17, 2009

day 66.

i haven't had lucky charms in years - but they completely made my morning. possibly even my week.

although inspecting the current marshmallow selection made me feel old - i remember the commercials/jingles for the "new" horseshoes and balloons - and slightly nostalgic for the sugary selection of yore. why did they change the star and the clover?! and the new yellow 'magic hourglass' leaves something to be desired as well...


Tim said...

I think just one of those would send me on some epic sugar-high.

missyandchrissy said...

totally. i forgot to mention how the marshmallows are also 70% larger than when we were younger too. like americans aren't hefty enough without the extra lucky charm sugar!

Tim said...

I'm going to track some down - I know a shop that sells imported American food.

I need to try them!

sakset.s said...

It is very well designed. Thanks for sharing.