Tuesday, November 04, 2008

warning: rampant cuteness ahead.

hello readers! we're back.

while the title up there makes it seem like we'll be posting photos of us and Bear in our mouse ears, we managed to find something even cuter.


while everyone else goes nutso for the election, we're going to just sit here and watch some adorable baby animals all day long.


Tim said...

OK, the tinternet seems to be on a bit of a go-slow at the moment so I shall come back and check out puppies tomorrow!

missyandchrissy said...

it's totally worth the wait, we promise!

Tim said...

Oh god, that's too good! One of them was curled up and shoving his arse in another one's face!

missyandchrissy said...

haha - those puppies did get a little frisky at times! i should have warned the video might not be safe for work.

Tim said...

Don't worry, I'm off work this week - those puppies can do whatever the hell they like!

soulspeak23 said...

damn you! I'm now addicted to the puppy cam!!

missyandchrissy said...

ss23 - don't worry, we are too! we're at the point where we can spot the daily growth of each puppy. it's become an obsession.

sakset.s said...

It is very well designed. Thanks for sharing.