Wednesday, October 15, 2008

midweek madness.

we heard a christmas song on the radio over the weekend. already?! it turned out to be for some sort of 'santa bucks' contest promotion the station is holding...but still. i am an absolute holiday season freak and even i don't want to hear santa claus is coming to town on an 80 degree mid-october day. they couldn't do a monster mash moolah prize instead?


the NY court system is officially stalking me. i received my 4th 'juror questionnaire' in the past two years. to the house i no longer live in, in the borough where i got exempt from serving 2 years ago because i didn't live there then either. i'm starting to think they really have no one else to call. my last name must mean 'fair' in latin because the only person i know who gets harassed to be a juror more than i do is my father.


workers at a local restaurant - a favorite of ours for greek take-out - yelled at me this evening for taking too long to pick up my order. it was 22(ish) minutes! the moment i walked in the door i was greeted with a chorus of "you are LATE!" thankfully i don't speak the language so i missed everything else being muttered about me as i paid and slunk out the door. missy is on pick-up duty from now on.


they cancelled one of our favorite tv series, the riches. sob! typically our treasured shows get the ax after the third season, so they surprised us by stealing this one away from us even earlier. i really need to just stop watching television altogether, since the (quality!) shows we fall for are ones no one else is watching and therefore get cancelled, meanwhile freaking two and a half men marches on in prime time and on syndication on every station imaginable, its obnoxious theme song drilling holes in my brain. ugh.


on the train to work this morning, wearing my glasses and therefore being slightly more observant than usual, i was staring down at the platform as our train was being held at a station and noticed a roach meandering around. in broad daylight, outdoors, on a relatively clean platform. watching in horror as he attempted to get from the platform onto the train - he didn't, thank goodness for those gaps and the inadequate jumping skills of the cockroach - it sunk in that had he made it on to the train his next stop could have very easily been on to my pants leg, which was dragging all over the subway car floor. or worse, *shudder*, up my pants leg.

i am so incredibly loathe to admit this, but i might finally start wearing shorter pants.


soulspeak23 said...

I move that slunk should be added to the list of words that sound wierd when repeated more than three times. Oddly, it's quite similar to snuck.
And yes, short pants are key to keeping roaches out!

missyandchrissy said...

so true! although i think 'snuck' is still more fun to say repeatedly.

Tim said...

There are Christmas adverts on the telly at the moment here. I'm expecting Starbucks to drop the red cups any day now.

missyandchrissy said...

tim - we saw our first one tonight on the telly too! and so the holiday invasion begins.