Tuesday, August 19, 2008

the good, the bad, and the ugly: disastrous late-august edition.

the good: be kind, rewind.

we've been wanting to see this movie since we saw previews for it months and months and months ago. we slacked on seeing it in the theater, and then slacked on putting it on our netflix, and so here we are finally seeing a movie we were super-excited about almost a year ago. well, it was totally worth the wait - it was the most heartwarming movie we've seen in awhile. we've already added it to our '08 xmas list as we're complete suckers for films where the whole town bands together and accomplishes something magical.

the bad: tongue burns.

i'm sure its happened to us all - we eat something a bit too hot and wind up scorching our poor tongue. i scalded the poor little muscle SO viciously earlier this week that i still, three days later, am feeling the burn and not tasting anything properly due to fried taste buds. the irony of it all is that i burned it on soup that i was having to soothe a sore throat. oops. my mouth totally hates me right now.

the ugly: scent of a microwave.

have you sniffed yours recently? after a salmon feast in our apartment last night, i went on a rampage trying to eradicate the odor from the kitchen. having worked myself into a bit of a cleaning frenzy, i took a whiff of the microwave to make sure it too didn't smell like the inside of Bear's tummy. and oh, it was much, much, worse: salmon mingled with popcorn!

holy cow. we have a new worst nightmare, and its being suffocated to death by salmon-popcorn perfume.


Tim said...

I was almost a little bit sick in my mouth when I read about the salmon-popcorn combo!

Not. Good.


missyandchrissy said...

sorry about that! next time a posting includes the description of vomit-inducing smells, we will put a warning in the title.