Thursday, May 08, 2008

pork snacks, please.

we read this little factoid in a recent issue of gourmet magazine and felt it was necessary to post it here:

in ancient rome, the upper classes disdained meat but distributed pork to the street poor in an attempt to maintain order.

and people wonder why i'm so organized!


while we're on the subject of snacking to curb chaos, last night as we were walking home from work over the 59th street bridge, missy spied this odd little sign that said something to the effect of "cyclists, there are snacks at the end of the bridge for you". it was an official looking sign that, upon closer inspection, name dropped some transportation-alternative advocacy group and also thanked the bikers for traveling in an environmentally-friendly manner. but we still thought it a little bizarre/scary/hans christian andersen-y beware the troll bearing snacks at the end of the bridge, little children!

and so we arrived at the end of the bridge and there was a little crowd of people/bikes around a table covered with signage and water bottles (we did NOT see any of the promised "snacks"). and as the guy in charge called out to a passing biker, we wondered why he did not, in fact, try to call us over to the table as we clearly looked like we had just marched over a bridge. weren't we too going home in an environmentally-conscious manner?! why can't the walkers share in the snack party?!

we actually got so riled up at the exclusive and selfish way of the bicycle people (who we already have grievances with, as you already know), that one of us stepped out into the street without looking for cars, and the other had to drag her back before she got run over.

grrrr cyclists! we don't want your stupid cyclist snacks anyway.


inthemiddle said...

yipes, close call for m&c...but no big loss! the banana-bread flavored energy ooze cyclists 'snack' is tre gross (that's french for "ew").

missyandchrissy said...

indeed. we avoid that 'energy ooze' aisle in shoprite at all costs!