Wednesday, January 16, 2008

i love it when days you think are going to suck wind up morphing into ones that are awesome.

i had to wake up at 5:30 today - a time i haven't seen for work purposes in ages - to accompany an author to a morning media appearance. whenever i have to awaken at some ungodly hour it always, always, transports me back to the 6th grade...i'm not quite sure why, but i suppose it has to do with the fact that grade six was the first time in my life i had to get up reeeallllyyyy early on a regular basis - 7am school start time + perm + first stirrings of adolescent self-esteem issues = decent amount of time needed for primping before school in the wee am hours - and so waking up in the pitch darkness knowing most of the world, and most certainly everyone in your home, is still fast asleep automatically makes me feel 11 again.

to this day, i despise the Prince song "diamonds and pearls" as i have the most vivid memories of it waking me up almost every morning that year. it must have been on the z100 'early 6am hour' playlist. thankfully this morning all i heard was the tinny beep beep of my super-awesome new alarm clock (yes, i will call the alarm clock that forever, even though it isn't so new anymore).

but i'm rather happy i did have a reason to get up and out so damn early today, because nowadays i don't really don't get to see a lot of beauty in the morning, what with my super-short immediately-on-immediately-off-the subway and rather late-in-the-AM commute. so as i walked up 6th avenue at about 7:10 today and saw the sun rising over the nearly-empty midtown streets, i was most pleasantly reminded of how lovely the city can be sometimes. it was a refreshing start to the day, and one i kinda wish i got to experience more often.

and while i initially thought the day would turn out somewhat crazy and ridiculous (in a bad way) - all i knew about this project, one that was dropped in my lap, randomly, about 24 hours prior, was that it involved a c-list former child star - it wound up being the most refreshing day i've had in a long time. the client was absolutely awesome, a wonderful down-to-earth human being, and i had a blast hanging out with them. (no, dear readers, i won't leave you hanging about my brush with celebrity, but i won't write their name here, lest they are googling themselves and think i am trying to exploit our new found friendship. instead i will insert little clues throughout my next few posts and you all can guess. new game! whoo!).


inthemiddle said...

ooh -- fun game!!

P H said...

TEASE! i love games

P H said...
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inthemiddle said...


soulspeak23 said...

yeah, this is some serious suspense you have us in here!!

inthemiddle said...

yah. let's get on with this woman!!

missyandchrissy said...

such pressure. sheesh!

i didn't know creating a game would be such a hit. hearing about the minutiae of our lives isn't enough for you all anymore?


Anonymous said...

you wake up early...i can't believe it...but i'm happy you now see th benefits of an early rise....