Wednesday, January 09, 2008

all love, no cyanide: late wednesday edition.

sometimes i just sit back and think to myself "wow. i am such a lucky girl because i have such amazing friends". this is one of those weeks.

a random sampling of reasons why:

- because when i might have to miss a gathering due to a medical thing, they offer to rent movies and stay with me whilst i recuperate, instead of attending the party themselves.
- because they invent entertaining parlor games like "there's a chip on your shoulder".
- because they buy me christmas presents i so want but i'd never buy myself.
- because they trek out to queens for my parties.


other loves this week:

clementines - i don't often get to keep fruit around the apt, let alone an entire wooden crate full of citrus fruit, but i lucked out and missy allowed a bushel of the little mandarins into the apartment. i'm not one for peeling fruit in the office, but they are simplistic enough for me to handle during the day, and so they've become my new obsession this week. i love making my office stink like oranges.

joyeux noel - the most heartwarming war movie we've ever laid eyes on.

super warm january - i like the cold, but there's something kind of exciting about being able to wear your fall coat in the middle of the winter.

under my thumb, by the stones - i don't know why i've played this song about 300x within the past two weeks, but i just can't seem to get enough of it lately.


Tim said...

I'm a bit addicted to 'She's a Rainbow' at the moment…!

missyandchrissy said...

we love that one too!

P H said...

the story behind Joyeux Noel is a family favorite (don't ask me why we love WWI Christmas stories). We heard a woman with a guitar sing a song about the whole thing and by the end my dad was bawling.

inthemiddle said...

love the loves.

speakin of...i'm feeling really tech-supported these days.
one pal wasted her afternoon yesterday elbow-deep in html, reformatting the stupid picture on my stupid blog; another generously offered to walk me through the painstaking process over the telephone, from his desk at work.

thanks! thinking about friendship (and clementines - do you ever taste the essense of clove in yours?) makes me happy today.

missyandchrissy said...

ph - with every family tale you tell, your dad just becomes more and more awesome.

hillz - i'm glad i could provide today's happiness! and i agree that the c-tines sometimes have a slight clove-y taste. why??

and can i borrow your tech support friends? mine are bit lax in that area.