Tuesday, December 11, 2007

thermometer testing: day 2; and other stories.

after spending a night/day on my dresser, the thermometer now reads 64 degrees - so at least we know its working, and that the temperature is dropping as we go room to room. missy has taken it tonight, so we'll see which sister wins the award for chilliest bedroom. i suppose it should be hers, as that's the one that the polar bear sleeps in.


so they say that working out is just as good for your mind as your body, and i'm finding it pretty true lately - i've fallen into a prickly stretch of work/life, and i wind up feeling best on the evenings that i hit the gym and blow off a little steam (and dance around on the elliptical).

but beyond the workout portion of the outing, i actually find the locker room to be even more wonderful for my mental health - i couldn't make up the nonsense that these crazy, rich, naked (generally anyone over 40 and in the locker room - which is basically everyone save me and another girl or two who also get the cheap company discount, otherwise we'd never be allowed in this upper east side old broad club - hangs out in various states of nothingness. i'm all for good self-esteem, but holy cow, that locker room makes me hope and pray that gravity goes easy on me.) old ladies go on about.

this evening, one of them, we'll call her esther because she is often there swimming, went on a 10 minute rant about the fight she had gotten into with one of the yoga instructors because he allowed a new member of the class to take her favorite spot in the front of the room. she was spitting mad. i am always in the front because i know what i'm doing! i don't know if i can go back to that class anymore. then she was practically in tears. is this what people fret about when they don't have to worry about money? goodness. i leave the gym feeling better about my sanity than i do the fact that i just burned a few cookies off.


we've watched a bunch of excellent movies lately (no. not in the theater, since god forbid we actually get to go see a movie when its current), as all our shows are coming to an end and we've gotten back on our netflix kick. in no particular order, we highly suggest: the hoax and broken english.


P H said...

i had the same experience from the men's side.

you know those old voices who call sports radio around 9pm at night with the sound of rustling notebook paper in the background, calling to discuss "a few issues i have with the Yankees pitching staff"? Yeah, all those guys go to that gym.

Two old men on two different ellipticals once had a conversation near me that mirrored that of my 18-year-old brother and his friends:

"Hey you voting today?"

"Do we vote today?"

"Yeah I think so..."

"Who's running?"

"Uh...i'm not sure, but I don't ever vote."

soulspeak23 said...

i have been in locker rooms like that, only on staten island, not the upper west side. just imagine those thick "ay-o" accents swirling about as I desperately try to become invisibe so as to not invite the naked biddies to engage me in conversation; which luckily only happened once, while i turned purple and stared at the ceiling with everything i had!

Chuckles said...

Anyone seen that episode of Dead Like Me where the old guy at the club dies naked? That was a good one.

All the locker rooms I have been to have been quiet and somber, like a nudist funeral.

missyandchrissy said...

PH - you know you miss that gym!

ss23 - i love that you used the term 'biddies', and i feel your pain as i can completely envision that horrific scene...the meathead patrons of Dolphin Fitness scared me off of SI gyms for all eternity.

chuckles - i wish these ladies would go into nudist funeral mode...

we've never watched Dead Like Me, although our dad used to rave to us about it all the time.