Thursday, December 20, 2007

fiiiiiiivvveeeeee golden rings.

as we all know, we've reached the day that is the most important part of the song (eddie izzard does an awesome bit about how people run in from other rooms to burst into this line of the chorus...not like any of eddie's bits are anything but awesome. i could probably watch him eat a carrot onstage and be totally entertained.), and so, i will slightly break my recent pattern, to talk about a most important occurrence. just one. if five important things happened to me in one day...well, frankly, i don't know if i could handle it.

so we remember how last year at the dept xmas party i won an illness award?

well, this year i was bestowed with the "party queen award".

how quickly i am moving up in the world. from pathetic sick girl to party queen in a span of just 12 months! i should be a life coach, not a publicist.


P H said...

PARTY QUEEN! it's even more amazing because you LIVE in Queens!! It's like your own private borough of royalty.

Mind = blown.

Tim said...

Surely with your oatmeal-stained clothing you should've been in-line to win both awards!!

Chuckles said...

Party queen is pretty cool.

I have moved from advertising assistant to editorial assistant this year. Next year I hope to move to assistant editor.

missyandchrissy said...

PH - wow, i hadn't even thought of that! i must write the queens boro prez and inform him about a parade in my honor.

tim - i agree, no one else here is clever enough to save some breakfast on their shirt for later. i so should have won another award for that!

chuckles - thanks! and congrats on the move into editorial...we think you deserve to go from EA to AE already.