Friday, May 18, 2007

143 DOT.

i don't know what level of rock-bottom i'm hitting that the Department of Transportation is responsible for the excitement of my week.

it was announced last year that the city would be getting some snazzy new bus stop shelters. i recently spied one near my office, and was quite impressed - totally modern and sleek, made of metal and glass. and it could even fit more than 3 people under it. but i haven't noticed too many others throughout the city.

so imagine my surprise the other morning when i got to my bus stop, and the usual crappy old shelter was missing. in its place were some construction cones and a hole in the sidewalk. could it be??? i marveled. but i live in an outer borough!! i was probably the only person standing at the stop that day having a complete glee attack about the removal of our old covering/possibility of a new one.

so my hunch turned out to be correct - as missy and i sat on the bus home from the gym yesterday, we came to a stop further down the main avenue and there sat a shiny new shelter. a veritable work of modern art compared to the rest of the junk that sits on steinway street. missy managed to contain her elation, but i was beyond excited.

hopefully by monday my stop will be finished, and i'll be able to hang out in the new shelter. i might even take pictures for you guys! oh the anticipation..


Tim said...

I want to see pictures!

The ones over here have red seats, and LED displays telling us when the next bus is due! Oh, the excitement!!

Chuckles said...

I think they are putting in some new bus stops in my neighborhood as well. I was rollerblading around a couple weeks ago and one of the stops was totally demolished. I guess they didn't have time to clean up the mess before they quit for the day. There was broken glass and twisted metal everywhere.

missyandchrissy said...

LED displays?! fancy! we want pictures...

they STILL didn't finish constructing my stop (minus some of my DOT kudos for slowness), so the photos are on hold for the time being...

chuckles, we'll want pics of your new ones as well. maybe i'll morph loveandcyanide into a bus stop competition site...

Chuckles said...

I might be able to provide pictures of the roofs that they are finally installing over the Metro street entrances. It only took them 30 years.

missyandchrissy said...

oh i know what those look like! i even have my own panda bear metro card.