Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Overheard in Purdy Court.

Dear reader,

yes singular, we are still unsure if anyone besides our little georgia reads this. oh, and to you g, i'm typing in your font. it's a sentimental day.

anyway, i felt it might be most appropriate to give vous a soundbite of occurrences at purdy court in order to better understand us.

On eye protection:
m: do you wear those goggles to go tanning?
c: well, i use them to tie my hair back.

On procrastination:
c: you'll have made genghis khan a myspace page before you finally blog or do your paper.

On whores tainting otherwise date-worthy men:
n: she soiled the good meat, the prime rib.. now he's like a dirty water dog, contaminated meat stuffed into intestines.
(okay okay, n does not live here, but she should)

On super tall men sleeping in our beds:
one of us to the other who shall remain nameless: i'd have to sleep with my air conditioner on in may if i had a giant sleeping in my bed too.

On cheesy horrible 90's sitcoms:

On men that are masochistic enough to speak to m while at a bar:
c: he called you the 'snappy one.'
m: ooh i like that, call me snappy.
c: his friend called you "the one with the attitude."

On men stupid enough to talk art at a bar with m:
c: why did you scare that guy away?
m: he told me edvard munch was his best friend.

On David Blaine:
c: that DB show is finally over.
m: oohh, did he drown??

On having matching toshibas:
m: we have identical laptops. we're the doublemint twins.

On polar bears officially making the 2006 endangered species list:
c: did you hear? Bear's going extinct.

On our landlord:
m: i'd go to Peter's funeral!

On Phil Leotardo:
m: i just realized why i love him.
c: because he's eating zeppole?
m: because he looks like an owl.

On our 92 year old neighbor (to our landlord):
m: she leaves her door open a lot.
p: that's not the only thing she leaves open.

On dieting:
c: what are you doing in there?
m: smashing fat.

On Bear:
m: Bear isn't speaking to you.
c: Bear never speaks to me.
m: he speaks
about you.

On dying hair:
m: i dyed my hair black to match my heart.

On Matthew Barney:
m: MB is gay??
c: no.
m: but he's with beck.
c: he's with BJORK.

On m's failed attempt at being compassionate:
c: i don't like this whole being nice thing, you're going about it all wrong.

On borrowing each other's purses:
m: there's garbage in that bag.
c: there's garbage in your soul.

and so, i leave you with this quote. not from us, but from a movie we love:

i don't give a shit about the barracudas, fuck it!

happy wednesday, g.


Anonymous said...

I absolutely LOVE that story!!!
i'm so honored to be in your blogs, you have no idea. they get me through the day.


Chuckles said...

That was pretty amusing.