Friday, April 21, 2006

"1, 2, sundae!"

i am fully aware that i abuse the adjective "best", but this time i really really mean it. (actually, i always really mean it - my mental gold medal podium is faarrrr larger than the one the olympics' uses.) so last night was the best night of television, and since this recap will be all love and no cyanide, i dedicate this post to our "number one fan". =] (and unlike most "number one fans" she is neither deranged nor socially-awkward, and i don't think she'd ever go all misery on us and tie us to a bed and beat us. then again, i think bear enjoys shit like that...)

so we're perusing through our channel guide last night and came across The Ultimate Coyote Ugly Search on CMT (Country Music Television, y'all). missy protested, but as i was a coyote one halloween (the first and last time you'll ever see me in red pleather pants) i was curious to see what this show was all about...and of course to see if any of the contestants pilfered my moves.

the show itself is your standard reality show fare, however the extreme usage of the term "badonkadonk" **see below for definition, if needed** threw it into the category of fantastic for us. i'd say the word was used about 2 or 3 times per minute in every form imaginable - sung, drawled, shouted, and lest you think it wasn't possible, in a christopher walken impersonation. yes, the song "honky tonk badonkadonk" (what? you don't know it??) was said walken-style by one of the contestants. jerky hand movements included. this does not at all capture the insanity that was coming out of our television during that glorious minute-long segment - the best i can do here is clue you in to its existence - so i highly suggest tuning into CMT and seeing it for yourselves.

so the show ended and as our howls (heh) of laughter died down, we flipped channels and lo and behold, what did Adult Swim have in store for us??? Saved By The Bell. and not just any SBTB, but everyone's favorite episode where Jessie Spano gets addicted to caffeine pills! we were overjoyed. the episode was every bit as good as i remembered it, and i wish we could say we took away an important anti-drug message from it, but it truly is impossible to take someone seriously as a drug addict when they are wearing a giant bow in their hair.

**definition of badonkadonk, courtesy of

An ‘ebonic’ expression for an extremely curvaceous female behind. Women who possess this feature usually have a small waist that violently explodes (ed. note: !!!...thank god i only possess a mere ass) into a round and juicy posterior (e.g., 34c, 24, 38). Other characteristics would be moderately wide hips and a large amount of booty cleavage (i.e, depth of butt-crack).

Her badonkadonk made a brotha pop mad wheelies.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this is she, your number one fan, just wanting to say I LOVE YOU!